Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend

Author: Karen Stanton

Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend

Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend


About This Book

Here is a gentle story about divorce, shared custody, and the ways in which families adjust to new situations. Henry and his dog Pomegranate have two houses. They are adjusting to their new life, but Henry knows that sometimes Pomegranate gets confused and just wants to go . . . home.
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Book Details

Henry Cooper and his dog Pomegranate have two houses. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other weekend, they live with Mama in her new apartment, but on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other weekend, they live with Papa in his new house.

Henry and Pomegranate are happy as they dance with Mama and sing with Papa, but Henry knows that sometimes Pomegranate gets confused and just wants to go . . . home.

This gentle and accessible story about dealing with the many changes that come with divorce is beautifully brought to life by author Karen Stanton's vivid and memorable illustrations.

Imprint Publisher

Feiwel & Friends



In The News

“Warm, thoughtful look at the concept of home in divorced families.” —The Horn Book

“Stanton (Papi's Gift) shows remarkable empathy and restraint in the story of a boy named Henry Cooper, who explains how he divides his days between his mother's apartment and his father's house, 'two and a half blocks away on West Woolsey Avenue.' Henry--whose red hair matches the crimson ears of his dog, Pomegranate--finds much to appreciate wherever he's spending the night: the hallways of his mother's building 'smell like chapati, tortillas, and miso soup,' and she makes 'perfect golden flapjacks.' Time with his father means piano playing and 'perfect pepperoni pizza in his tomato-red kitchen.' In fact, it's Pomegranate who always wants to go 'home,' and after he runs away, readers discover what that means: 'our old house,' says Henry. 'The place where we all used to live together.' That revelation packs an enormous emotional wallop, but Henry's calm understanding of his family's situation, combined with his parents' mutual amicability, provides a powerful example for real-life families. Meanwhile, Stanton's artwork--a vibrant collage of acrylic and scraps of varied papers from around the globe--creates a deeply reassuring atmosphere of love and warmth.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Suitable for libraries needing additional material on the subject or for the caretakers of young children dealing with divorce.” —Children's Literature

“This book can fill a gap in collections because Stanton brings the story to a satisfactory conclusion with a simple understanding for children who live in two homes.” —School Library Journal

“Henry lives with each of his parents two days a week and alternates three-day weekends. Both homes have advantages, such as Mama's Saturday-morning pancakes and Papa's Saturday-night spaghetti. …Henry narrates the story in a straightforward, unemotional manner. Stanton's brightly colored artwork combines acrylic painting with collage elements, such as printed and painted papers.” —Booklist

About the Creators

Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend

Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend
