Gilded Duology


Marissa Meyer

About this Series

From the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer returns to the fairytale world with this haunting, two-book series in the Gilded Duology.

In the first book in this YA retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, Serilda’s finds herself in a grim world where the king has ordered her to complete the impossible task of spinning straw into gold. Desperate, Serilda summons a mysterious boy to her aid, who agrees to help her… for a price. In the sequel, Cursed, Serilda and Gild must do everything they can to protect their unborn child.

“This dark, enchanting book is Meyer at the height of her powers — crafting a new tale with an old-school feel where nobody is guaranteed a happily-everafter.” – New York Times

About the Author

About the Author