Book details

Red, White, and Brew

An American Beer Odyssey

Author: Brian Yaeger

Red, White, and Brew

Red, White, and Brew


About This Book

A perfect gift for connoisseurs of the most popular drink enjoyed in American pubs, Red, White, and Brew is the ultimate beer run across the United...

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Book Details

A perfect gift for connoisseurs of the most popular drink enjoyed in American pubs, Red, White, and Brew is the ultimate beer run across the United States, during which Brian Yaeger visits fourteen breweries of various sizes and talks to founders, owners, brewmasters, consumers, and anyone else he meets on his odyssey and who enjoys the making, tasting, and appreciating of brews.

Red, White, and Brew pursues the roots of brewers who brought their craft with them from their homeland and investigates how the tradition is faring today and where it may head in the future. Covering everything from fifth-generation family-run brewing companies to first-wave microbreweries, this book is a travelogue, guide, and genealogical study of beer families and homebrewers from Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon. It is filled with eclectic characters and shrewd businesspeople who populate an industry as old as the New World, and who produce liquid philanthropy, one keg at a time.

Imprint Publisher

St. Martin's Griffin



In The News

“Brian Yaeger’s frothy beer travelogue is as multifaceted as the industry he covers. Amusing from the first beer (a surreptitious Coors Light from Dad’s minifridge) to the last (a Dogfish Head microbrew), Red White and Brew is the perfect beer lover’s literary trip—road sodas included!” —Chris O'Hara, author of Great American Beer

“Let's hoist one for Brian Yaeger's beer journalism. Red, White, and Brew is like a well-made ale -- rich, tasty, interesting, and it leaves the reader with a nice buzz.” —Ken Wells, author of Travels With Barley

“Ever wondered what beermakers really think about their work? Brian Yaeger supplies some answers in this coast-to-coast, behind-the-scenes tour of American breweries.” —Maureen Ogle, author of Ambitious Brew

“Brian Yaeger understands that beer is more than just water, malt, and hops. It's also people, and not altogether normal people, either.” —Dan Baum, author of Citizen Coors: An American Dynasty

About the Creators

Red, White, and Brew

Red, White, and Brew
