Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

Meet Cindy Sherman

Artist, Photographer, Chameleon

Author: Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan

Meet Cindy Sherman

Meet Cindy Sherman


About This Book

How does someone become a ground-breaking artist?
Does it start when you're very little and discover that you like to play dress up? Does it happen when you're ten years old and someone gives...

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Book Details

How does someone become a ground-breaking artist?
Does it start when you're very little and discover that you like to play dress up? Does it happen when you're ten years old and someone gives you a Polaroid camera for Christmas? Maybe it begins in college, when you're finally on your own to discover the world as you see it for the first time.

Looking at the life of legendary photographer Cindy Sherman, Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan have created an unconventional biography, that much like Cindy Sherman's famous photographs, has something a little more meaningful under the surface. Infusing the narrative with Sherman's photographs, as well as children's first impressions of the photographs, this is a biography that goes beyond birth, middle age, and later life. It's a look at how we look at art.

Imprint Publisher

Roaring Brook Press



In The News

"This masterfully executed biography of a fascinating working artist, written in a tone ideal for its target audience, will be invaluable for libraries hoping to enliven their arts collections."—Booklist, starred review

"This fascinating investigation of a significant U.S. artist will prompt endless discussions on art history, photography, pop culture, gender roles, and even selfies. A title not to be missed."—School Library Journal, starred review

"An excellent, eye-opening exploration perfectly pitched to its audience."—Kirkus, starred review

"An engrossing examination."—Publishers Weekly, starred review

"In this era of Snapchat and Instagram selfies, Sherman’s explorations of identity and perception are perhaps more resonant now than ever, and Greenberg and Jordan distill the ideas lucidly for young readers."—Horn Book, starred Review

About the Creators

Meet Cindy Sherman

Meet Cindy Sherman
