Book details

Carpe Diem

Author: Autumn Cornwell

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem


About This Book

In this delightful romantic adventure, a 16-year-old overachiever learns how to seize the day.

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Book Details

In this delightful romantic adventure, a 16-year-old overachiever learns how to seize the day.

"I've got my entire life planned out for the next ten years — including my PhD and Pulitzer Prize," claims 16-year-old overachiever Vassar Spore, daughter of overachiever parents, who in true overachiever fashion named her after an elite women's college.

Vassar expects her sophomore summer to include AP and AAP (Advanced Advanced Placement) classes. Surprise! Enter a world-traveling relative who sends her plans into a tailspin when she blackmails Vassar's parents into forcing their only child to backpack with her through Southeast Asia.

On a journey from Malaysia to Cambodia to the remote jungles of Laos, Vassar sweats, falls in love, hones her outdoor survival skills — and uncovers a family secret that turns her whole world upside-down.

Vassar Spore can plan on one thing: she'll never be the same again.

Imprint Publisher

Feiwel & Friends



In The News

“As the setting shifts, so does the story's tone, from Vassar's stilted home life and stuffy parents to a vividly described environment and array of colorful characters . . . Suspenseful and wonderfully detailed, the well-crafted story maintains its page-turning pace while adding small doses of cultural insight and humor.” —School Library Journal, Starred Review

“This is self-confessed travel junkie Autumn Cornwell's first novel--and she's hit one out of the park . . . Cornwell genially skewers both Ivy League-obsessed nerds and the Lonely Planet crowd.” —The Washington Post

“The locale, Vassar's gaffes, and quirky characters--especially Grandma Gerd and Hank--are what set this book apart.” —VOYA

“A witty coming-of-age adventure.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Take a traveler as reluctant as Anne Tyler'' accidental tourist and add the number of misadventures found in The Out-of-Towners, and you have the recipe for Cornwell' hilarious, adventure-packed first novel.” —Publishers Weekly

“Cornwell brings the setting to life so vividly that you can practically feel the sweat running down your body as you read parts of the book.” —The YA YA YAs / blog

“. . . a classic coming-of-age story and one that I thoroughly enjoyed.” —Bookslut

“Carpe Diem is a gem. I loved the plot, enjoyed the characters (although Grandma Gerd really ‘ticked' me off sometimes) and appreciated that the author could draw me in so completely to Vassar's world. This book is so much fun; I recommend you give it as a gift to someone else who is searching for good, fun young adult books.” —Armchair Interviews

“. . . anyone who has lost their luggage; has felt their well planned [day, trip, life] slip through their fingers; or has made a list of goals, or even things to do; will laugh out loud and love this book.” —Keri Holmes at The Kaleidoscope

About the Creators

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
