Book details

Distant Relations

Author: Carlos Fuentes; Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden

Distant Relations

Distant Relations



About This Book

During a long, lingering lunch at the Automobile Club de France, the elderly Comte de Branly tells a story to a friend, unnamed until the closing pages, who is in fact the first-person narrator of...

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Book Details

During a long, lingering lunch at the Automobile Club de France, the elderly Comte de Branly tells a story to a friend, unnamed until the closing pages, who is in fact the first-person narrator of the novel. Branly's story is of a family named Heredia: Hugo, a noted Mexican archaeologist, and his young son, Victor, whom Branly met in Cuernavaca and who became his house guest in Paris. There they are gradually drawn into a mysterious connection with the French Victor Heredia and his son, known as Andre. There is a hard-edged emphasis on the theme of relations between the Old World and the New, as Branly's twilit, Proustian existence is invaded and overcome by the hot, chaotic, and baroque proliferation of the Caribbean jungle.

Distant Relations is a classic novel by Carlos Fuentes, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden.

Imprint Publisher

Farrar, Straus and Giroux



In The News

“Carlos Fuentes in all his books draws tight a tense conjunction of opposites: the sensuously beautiful and the horrifyingly ugly, innocence and evil, past and present, the familiar and the strange, nature and culture. In Distant Relations, a novel in which two boys fuse into one and a man disintegrates in a shower of dead leaves, these tensions operate in a cat's cradle of a plot, crisscrossing each other to make a puzzle worthy of Poe or Borges.” —Guy Davenport, The New York Times Book Review

About the Creators

Distant Relations

Distant Relations

