Book details

Powerful Mate Syndrome

Reclaiming Your Strength and Purpose When Your Partner Is the Star of the Relationship

Author: Angela Wilder

Powerful Mate Syndrome

Powerful Mate Syndrome



About This Book

A frank, practical, and uplifting guide for anyone living in the shadow of a powerful mate.

Former NBA wife and marriage and family therapy intern Angela Wilder knows all about living...

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Book Details

A frank, practical, and uplifting guide for anyone living in the shadow of a powerful mate.

Former NBA wife and marriage and family therapy intern Angela Wilder knows all about living with a powerful mate. Through her own experiences and those of her many clients and even many friends, she has come to recognize the signs of what she calls Powerful Mate Syndrome:

- a belief that a partner's work, interests, and personality should come before one's own
- a lack of self-worth, identity, and joyful self-expression
- a loss of financial and decision-making power
- a fear of questioning, challenging, or disagreeing with one's "powerful mate" for fear of losing what is good (or even not so good) about the relationship

In this warm, supportive, and refreshingly tell-it-like-it-is book, Angela Wilder helps readers understand how they got to this destructive power imbalance in their relationship (hint: it's NOT all the other person's fault!), and she charts a simple, step-by-step path to a healthier sense of self, and a more balanced, healthy, and fulfilling relationship.

Complete with insightful and revealing quizzes, checklists, and exercises, and generously offering personal and professional anecdotes to help explain Powerful Mate Syndrome ("the other PMS"), this one-of-a-kind guide will introduce you to your "Reality Godmother" - and offer hope, and concrete solutions, for anyone who lives in the reflected glory of a powerful mate.

Imprint Publisher

St. Martin's Press



About the Creators

Powerful Mate Syndrome

Powerful Mate Syndrome

