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Hip Pressure Cooking

Fast, Fresh, and Flavorful

Author: Laura D.A. Pazzaglia

Hip Pressure Cooking

Hip Pressure Cooking


About This Book

Laura Pazzaglia’s Hip Pressure Cooking offers over 200 surefire recipes designed to work in the Instant Pot, electric pressure cookers, multi-cookers with pressure programs, and stove...

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Book Details

Laura Pazzaglia’s Hip Pressure Cooking offers over 200 surefire recipes designed to work in the Instant Pot, electric pressure cookers, multi-cookers with pressure programs, and stove top pressure cookers, too! In fact, the recipes were tested across multiple pressure cookers - Instant Pot, Fagor, WMF and Kuhn Rikon – to ensure delicious results no matter what you have in your kitchen.

That’s right, the once-lowly and maligned pressure cooker is making a comeback! This relic of your grandparents' kitchen is not only improved and safer than ever before, but it saves time, creates more flavor, and conserves energy. Laura Pazzaglia wasn't thinking of all this when she tried pressure cooking for the first time, but after watching a friend make dinner in 10 minutes, Pazzaglia knew she had found the solution to her time-crunched life. In fact, she cooked so much she began offering recipes and advice on a website she created. At the time, pressure cooking recipes didn't emphasize aesthetics; while the food might be delicious, it was often unappealing in presentation. But Pazzaglia not only figured out how to make pressure cooked food appealing, she gained a large following for her recipes and techniques while doing it!

A culmination of Pazzaglia’s experience, Hip Pressure Cooking offers everything from tasty recipes featuring fresh ingredients to special cooking techniques perfected over the years to basic tips on operating your pressure cooker where she walks you through every step of the process. The secret is out—and now you too can discover the potential of this super appliance with this revolutionary guide to cooking with pressure!

Imprint Publisher

St. Martin's Griffin



In The News

“The hip pressure cooking website has done much to elevate pressure cooking. Laura has done a tremendous job in making pressure cooking approachable and easy to understand. She has brought the 'fun' back into pressure cooking with her easy and delicious recipes. Her understanding of the differences between conventional and pressure cooking produces new and classic dishes in a fraction of the time. This book is packed with all of her knowledge and will turn you into a true pressure cooker expert.” —Anne-Mari Kelly, Director Sales & Marketing WMF Americas Group Inc.

“One of my favorite kitchen tools is the humble pressure cooker. It is an amazing tool for rapidly turning tough foods tender and maximizing flavor. Sadly, pressure cooking is often misunderstood, but Laura Pazzaglia does a fantastic job in explaining the hows and whys of this invaluable cooking method.” —Chris Young, cofounder of and coauthor of Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking

“Authoritative, concise, and creative, Hip Pressure Cooking is the final word on using your pressure cooker to full effect. This isn't just your grandmother's cooking tool. The harried, modern home cook can benefit immensely from a pressure cooker's ability to get an elegant and delicious meal on the table in short order...” —John Becker (Irma Rombauer's grandson) and Megan Scott, Joy of Cooking editorial team

“If you haven't yet discovered the magic of pressure cooking, this book will make you want to rush out and buy a cooker. Hip Pressure Cooking is a treasure trove of imaginative recipes and ingenious techniques that will quickly convince you that there's no better way to prepare healthy, delectable, contemporary meals in minutes.” —Lorna Sass, author of Pressure Perfect and Great Vegetarian Cooking under Pressure

“Due to their safety and convenience, electric pressure cookers are rapidly replacing age-old stove-top pressure cookers. However, no one has tackled writing quality recipes for them until now. This is the only book that covers this appliance with new knowledge in a practical and lively manner. Highly recommended. ” —Robert J. Wang, CEO, Instant Pot Company

“Laura Pazzaglia is one of the most knowledgeable pressure cooker experts we know. . . This book is a comprehensive guide to pressure cookery for everyone--from the beginner to the chef.” —René ab Egg, head marketing & product management, Kuhn Rikon AG, pressure cooker manufacturers

“It is exciting to see a creative handbook that we can we reach for as a resource rather than guesstimating a starting point in the kitchen.” —H. Alexander Talbot & Aki Kamozawa, culinary consultants and authors of Ideas in Food and Maximum Flavor

Hip Pressure Cooking not only teaches eaters how to prepare easy, nutritious meals, but it's also a how-to guide for environmentally conscious consumers who want to waste less food without skimping on taste. ” —Danielle Nierenberg, President, Food Tank,

About the Creators

Hip Pressure Cooking

Hip Pressure Cooking
