Kate Kennedy

Image of Kate Kennedy

Photo Credit: Nicolette Nunez

About the Author

Kate Kennedy is a Chicago-based millennial multi-hyphenate, author, entrepreneur and pop culture commentator, best known for hosting her weekly pop culture podcast Be There in Five. Kennedy has a marketing degree from the Pamplin School of Business at Virginia Tech, and prior to starting Be There in Five, was an Ogilvy Award nominated market researcher turned accidental entrepreneur. Kate's life changed when she decided to put “turn off your curling iron” on her doormat so she wouldn’t burn her apartment down. Her "remindoormats" captured the zeitgeist, selling thousands and featured in Glamour, Good Housekeeping, RealSimple, HuffPost, BuzzFeed, Self, and Martha Stewart. Be There in Five is now a full-time gig and has led her to sold-out live shows across the country. Kate's career and commentary have been featured in People, HuffPost, New York Times, BuzzFeed, and The Washington Post.