Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

Don't Blink!

Author: Tom Booth

Don't Blink!

Don't Blink!


About This Book

Think you can win a staring contest against an elephant? What about a gorilla, a cheetah, a fox, or an alligator? What about all themAND a bunch of their other animal friendsat the same time? You're about to find out!
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Book Details

Think you can win a staring contest against an elephant? What about a gorilla, a cheetah, a fox, or an alligator? What about all themAND a bunch of their other animal friendsat the same time? You're about to find out!

Whatever you do DON'T BLINK!

Readers will enjoy testing their own staring skills against a vibrant assortment of characters in this interactive picture book from talented new author Tom Booth.

Imprint Publisher

Feiwel & Friends



In The News

"The staring contest: it’s a refreshingly low-tech competition, and Booth captures the silly thrill of it all. His story opens with a bright-eyed girl sitting cross-legged in a minimally rendered outdoor setting. She looks straight at the reader, shouts “Go,” and assumes a fixed (but always amiable) gaze. Ingenious, interactive, and just meta enough, it may even convince a few reluctant readers that staring at a book can be a lot of fun."--Publishers Weekly, starred review

"Competitive readers will love this picture book.... A young girl kicks the tale off with a challenge: a staring contest. Before you can say “go,” she’s looking out at the reader, gaze friendly but unblinking (she won’t be easy to beat). A bird flies along and asks if it too can join in on the contest. Before the reader knows it, the pages are filling up with creatures determined to keep their eyes wide open.", Summer 2017's Best Children's Books

"A jolly fun interactive read-aloud, perfect for one-on-one and small group sharing."--School Library Journal

About the Creators

Don't Blink!

Don't Blink!
