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Bounty Hunter 4/3

From the Bronx to Marine Scout Sniper

Author: Jason Delgado with Chris Martin

Bounty Hunter 4/3

Bounty Hunter 4/3

About This Book

The memoir of Jason Delgado, a US Marine scout sniper and MARSOC's first lead sniper instructor.

The fight for Jason Delgado's life and soul began when he was just a boy....

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Book Details

The memoir of Jason Delgado, a US Marine scout sniper and MARSOC's first lead sniper instructor.

The fight for Jason Delgado's life and soul began when he was just a boy. He ultimately escaped the death and drugs of a crime-riddled Bronx by way of the United States Marine Corps. However, after earning his way into the esteemed ranks of the service's famed Scout Snipers, Delgado saw that old struggle reignited when he was dumped into the hell of war in Iraq.

There Delgado proved not only a participant, but a warrior capable of turning the tide in several of the most harrowing and historically important battles of the evolving war. He took all the hard lessons learned in combat and, as MARSOC's original lead sniper instructor, made himself a pivotal figure in revolutionizing the way special operations snipers trained and operated. But even after accomplishing his mission in the military, Delgado still faced that original fight, struggling to understand and accept the man his experiences had transformed him into. Bounty Hunter 4/3 is Jason Delgado's captivating first-hand account of these powerful and life-changing experiences.

Imprint Publisher

St. Martin's Griffin



In The News

"If I were to do it all over again, not only would I have wanted to attend the prestigious Marine scout sniper course, but I would have wanted Delgado as my instructor. From childhood to war, to becoming a teacher to future HOGs, Delgado's story impacts like a 308 at point blank. I now get why they took home the international competition win in 2009, and remain the best snipers I have had the opportunity to work with. Semper Fi and RLTW!" —Nicholas Irving, New York Times bestselling author of Way of the Reaper

"A fascinating look at how Delgado's upbringing at the school of hard knocks, Bronx, NY, led him to the US Marine Corps, some of the fiercest fighting in Iraq, and into the elite MARSOC sniper community." —Brandon Webb, New York Times bestselling author of The Killing School

"Another great book about the GWOT Generation of warriors; from Al Qaim, Iraq to the live fire ranges of MARSOC’s developing scout sniper course. Bounty Hunter 4/3 is a personal story of a Marine finding his way through the changing madness of modern warfare.” —Michael Golembesky, New York Times bestselling author of Level Zero Heroes and Dagger 22

About the Creators

Bounty Hunter 4/3

Bounty Hunter 4/3