Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

Are We Pears Yet?

Author: Miranda Paul; illustrated by Carin Berger

Are We Pears Yet?

Are We Pears Yet?


About This Book

Two seeds can't wait to be pears, but growing takes time and patience in this funny and informative picture book from Miranda Paul, the author of Water is Water.

"When will we...

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Book Details

Two seeds can't wait to be pears, but growing takes time and patience in this funny and informative picture book from Miranda Paul, the author of Water is Water.

"When will we be pears?"
—"After we find soil."
"Hooray! We are going to be pears! Are we pears yet?"
—"No! Just be patient and wait."

Written entirely in dialogue and staged as a play, Are We Pears Yet? is a clever and hilarious informational picture book that will make you look at growth cycles and fruit trees in a whole new way. Carin Berger's artfully composed collaged stage sets will delight and amaze you.

Imprint Publisher

Roaring Brook Press



About the Creators

Are We Pears Yet?

Are We Pears Yet?
