Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

History Comics: The Prohibition Era

America's War on Alcohol

History Comics

Author: Jason Viola; illustrated by Roger Langridge

History Comics: The Prohibition Era

History Comics: The Prohibition Era


About This Book

Turn back the clock with History Comics! In this volume we visit the Prohibition Era and see how the business of booze became a criminal enterprise!

In 1919, the United...

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Book Details

Turn back the clock with History Comics! In this volume we visit the Prohibition Era and see how the business of booze became a criminal enterprise!

In 1919, the United States ratified an amendment to the Constitution that outlawed the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. As a hard-fought dream for a better world became federal law, society soon began facing an onslaught of new problems: clever bootleggers, corrupt enforcers, crowded prisons, and violent gangsters. Walk through the hidden hallway of a Jazz Age speakeasy to uncover the moral panic over alcohol and excess that we continue to grapple with today.

Imprint Publisher

First Second



About the Creators

History Comics: The Prohibition Era

History Comics: The Prohibition Era
