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The Spellwright Trilogy (Volume 2)

Author: Blake Charlton




Trade Paperback

About This Book

In a world where one's magical prowess is determined by one's skill with words and ability to spell, Nicodemus is a wizardly apprentice afflicted by a curse that causes him to misspell magical texts....

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Book Details

In a world where one's magical prowess is determined by one's skill with words and ability to spell, Nicodemus is a wizardly apprentice afflicted by a curse that causes him to misspell magical texts. Now, the demon who cursed him has hatched a conspiracy to force Nicodemus to change language and ultimately use it to destroy all human life. As Nico tries to thwart the demon's plan, he faces challenges from all sides. But his biggest challenge is his own disability, which causes him to create chaos wherever he goes. And the chaos surrounding Nico is affecting the world so profoundly that the kingdom to which he has fled to gather strength is on the brink of civil war, and he suspects that his closest allies—even Francesca, whom he loves more than life itself—may be subject to the demon's vast powers. As Nico tries to forestall the apocalypse, he realizes that he doesn't know if he can fully trust anyone, not even the woman he loves. And if he makes one wrong move, not only will his life be forfeit, he may end up destroying all mortal life as well.Introducing new twists to the unique magical system of Spellwright, and exploring issues that will bring readers a deeper appreciation of a fascinating world, Spellbound is sure to please Blake Charlton's fans and increase their number.
Spellbound is a Kirkus Reviews Best of 2011 Science Fiction & Fantasy title.

Imprint Publisher

Tor Books



In The News

“I'm fascinated to see what happens next, and will be following every word with the absorption of an apprentice spellwright. You will be, too.” —Tad Williams, bestselling author of Shadowmarch on Spellwright

“Think words can't hurt you? Sometimes, they can kill. The spells of textual magic of this enthralling take will demonstrate how.” —Terry Brooks, New York Times bestselling author on Spellwright

“An enjoyable, well-written novel, with a satisfying conclusion.” —SFX Magazine, 4.5 stars on Spellwright

“A refreshingly new look at magic and the power of words. Nicodemus is a strong protagonist, but the supporting cast is equally as memorable. This series opener [will] resonate in the reader's mind. Highly recommended.” —Library Journal, starred review on Spellwright

Spellwright brims with a love for the genre and a thrill for written language.” —Chicago Sun-Times on Spellwright

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Trade Paperback