Book details

The Connected Father

Understanding Your Unique Role and Responsibilities during Your Child's Adolescence

Author: Carl E. Pickhardt, Ph.D.

The Connected Father

The Connected Father


About This Book

A modern guide on how to become--and remain--an involved and influential father during the adolescent passage

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Book Details

Parenting Expert Carl Pickhardt Shows How the Bonds Between Fathers and Teens Can Be Strengthened

Many fathers feel unprepared for their child's adolescence, in their denial, often times preferring to believe that it will only happen to other people's children. In this sensitive and forthright book, Carl Pickhardt stresses that fathers need to become informed about changes and challenges that normally unfold. Helping caring fathers navigate the four crucial and often perplexing stages of adolescence, The Connected Father describes:
* how fathers can learn to be better listeners
* why they have trouble communicating and what to do about it
* different emotional changes between mid- and late-adolescence
* how to encourage independence while setting limits
* how fathers can talk to teens about drugs, sex, the internet, relationships, and more

Imprint Publisher

St. Martin's Griffin



In The News

“As the father of two teenagers, I found Pickhardt's book to be an important, supportive, and straightforward look at one of the most challenging stages of fatherhood.” —Armin Brott, author of The Expectant Father and Father for Life: A Journey of Joy, Challenge, and Change

About the Creators

The Connected Father

The Connected Father
