Book details

Macmillan Children's Book

La Isla de Abel

Author: William Steig; Illustrated by the author; Translated by María Luisa Balseiro

La Isla de Abel

La Isla de Abel


About This Book

"With inimitable style, Steig tells the story of a mouse, Abelard Hassam di Chirico Flint, who gets swept away in a driving rainstorm while rescuing his wife's scarf and winds up stranded on a river island for a year. . .You can't help but give a cheer for Abel and his creator." --Starred, Booklist

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Book Details

Naufrago en una isla inhabitada, Abel, un ratón muy civilizado, prueba su ingeniosidad y resistencia hasta el límite mientras él lucha por sobrevivir y regresar a su hogar. Escrito por William Steig y amado por sus lectores, La Isla de Abel es un Libro Notable de Niños del Año 1976 seleccionado por el New York Times Book Review y un Libro Destacado del Año 1976, y un Libro de Honor Newberry de 1977.

Imprint Publisher

Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)



In The News

“With inimitable style, Steig tells the story of a mouse, Abelard Hassam di Chirico Flint, who gets swept away in a driving rainstorm while rescuing his wife's scarf and winds up stranded on a river island for a year. . .You can't help but give a cheer for Abel and his creator.” —Starred, Booklist

About the Creators

La Isla de Abel

La Isla de Abel
