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They Must Be Stopped

Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

Brigitte Gabriel

St. Martin's Press

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ISBN10: 0312383630
ISBN13: 9780312383633


288 Pages



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They Must Be Stopped is The New York Times bestselling author Brigitte Gabriel's warning to the world; she asserts that the growth of radical Islam can no longer be ignored. Gabriel challenges western and politically correct notions about Islam, arguing that radical Islam is a deadly threat and making a call to halt its progress.

Brigitte Gabriel speaks her mind on Fundamentalist Islam, a religion she says is rooted in seventh century teachings that are inherently opposed to democracy and equality. According to Gabriel, radical Islamists hold all non-Muslims in contempt and regard them as enemies. She looks at the growth of madrassas in America, and says that the schools are one small part of what she calls a growing radical Islamic army within the United States. Gabriel argues that radical Islam exploits the United States legal system and abuses America's protection of religion. She implores America to organize a unified voice that says "enough" to political correctness, and demands that government officials and elected representatives do whatever is necessary to protect the country from the group that she believes must be stopped.

Brigitte Gabriel has faced down critics, death threats, and political correctness, and is one of the most sought after terrorism experts in the world. They Must Be Stopped is her call to action. Gabriel thoroughly addresses the historical and religious basis of radical Islam and shows why she fears its encroachment into societies around the world.

They Must Be Stopped is also available on CD as an unabridged audiobook. Please email for more information.


Read an Excerpt

Chapter One

Islam 101: The East Through Western Eyes

While I was growing up in Lebanon, I was able to see what the United States and the Western world was all about. Radio and television connected me to the West. I knew what...

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They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel--Audiobook Excerpt

Listen to this audiobook excerpt and hear Brigitte Gabriel read from her book They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It. They Must Be Stopped is the New York Times bestselling author's warning to the world: We can no longer ignore the growth of radical Islam—we must act soon, and powerfully. Gabriel challenges our Western and politically correct notions about Islam, demonstrating why radical Islam is so deadly and how we can halt its progress.

About the author

Brigitte Gabriel

BRIGITTE GABRIEL is a US-based journalist and news producer who started her career as an anchor for World News, an evening Arabic news program. As a terrorism expert and the founder of the nonprofit organization ACT! for America, Brigitte Gabriel travels widely and speaks regularly on topics related to the Middle East. She has addressed audiences at the FBI, the United States Special Operations Command, the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Joint Forces Staff College, among others.

Brigitte Gabriel

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Gabriel's nonprofit ACT! For America